Despre mine
I am fond of sport ,dance and music. Because it is my work.I am playing guitar and
composing,writing poem.I never smoke and dont like who is smoking.I am side of living
healthy . My work tempo is very high.I am living and working as entertainment manager at 5
stars hotels in antalya in Turkey.
Firstly I am looking for honest, professional sport lady or dancer,choreographer.
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui silviu.nou!

34 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
sunt un om normal cu defecte si calitati si foarte foarte de treaba si de viata

43 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
"Fericirea este atunci cand ceea ce gandesti, cu ceea ce spui si ceea ce faci su

32 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
Sunt simpatic cu simtul umorului si in cautare de ceva asemanator mie...pupici d

35 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
sunt un baiat dragutz(nu modest),serios si f de treaba.imi place sa incerc lucru

40 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
I live in Luxembourg City, country of Luxembourg, where I own a Restaurant and B