Despre mine
I live in Luxembourg City, country of Luxembourg, where I own a Restaurant and Bar. It is
doing very good and I am looking for woman to come here and spend some time here with me.
Very average. Unfortunately I am not George Clooney. I do have charm and I like life and
enjoying it, a lot. Entertaining everyone and beeing funny, is what I really love.
Ce caut
Je voulais qu'une petite peste arrogante se braque. C'est fait. Je ne cherche plus rien.
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui geocris79!

34 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
Sunt un baiat dragutz,inteligent care cauta o relatie de lunga durata.

36 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
Sunt o persoana care respecta si are pretentia de a fi respectat.

38 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
Baiat bun. Cabana la munte (drum greu accesibil). ..............................

38 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
In general imi place sa ma distrez si sa-mi traiesc viata la maxim, asa ca daca

41 ani
Bucuresti - Romania
Eu sunt o persoana dispusa sa faca fata oricarei provocari fie fizice fie mental