Despre mine
I dont really know what you are looking for i simple want someone to share it with.
Family is very important to me as is the idea of marriage. I am searching for someone who
shares the following qualities with me. Thoughtful, loving, goal oriented
After an open woman with pleasure with children which would like to live a dream with me
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui searchingro!
42 ani
Timis - Romania
Mort dupa basket, copt pentru montan-bike si bun consumator de ironie! Urasc pro
32 ani
Timis - Romania
sunt un baiat soceabil si ami doresc de a gasi jumatatea pentru ami alina singur
32 ani
Timis - Romania
Vorbe...credeti ca exista cineva care sa spuna despre sine ca este naspa...din o
43 ani
Timis - Romania
Sunt.. simplu, cu nimic mai deosebit.. dar diferit. Nu reusesc sa tac din gura c