Despre mine
I am a master of adventure - I love going places I've never been, meeting people I've
never met, and trying things I've never tried. I love getting lost - it's the best way to
get somewhere I've never been. I relish life and all of the twists, turns, trials, and
tribulations that it brings.
Ce caut
Someone to share life's adventures
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui reval!
40 ani
Satu-Mare - Romania
Sunt un tip romantic....destul de deschis de fire....calm foarte responsabil spo
31 ani
Satu-Mare - Romania
ce sa zic sunt brunet si va l-as pe voi femeile sa decideti cum arat va poop
32 ani
Satu-Mare - Romania
Sunt un barbat cu respect sincer muncitor romantic si cu ganduri s planuri mari
36 ani
Satu-Mare - Romania
I am French but I live and work in Luxembourg city. .... Honest and friendly